Lenel City Guided Tour FAQ version 1.01
I. Table of Content
Table of content
II. Author Notes
III. A tour of the Outskirts
IV. Market Place Side A
V. Market Place Side B
Crown District
VII. Temple Plaza
VIII. Temple of Urath
IX. Old City
X. Sewers
XI. Palace
Author Notes
A) This FAQ first walks you from the outskirts of Lenele to the palace
and temple deep within Lenele.
Portions of this FAQ are not completed. These portions will be
completed in revised versions.
C) Under construction
means that the entire section is not currently
included in this version of the FAQ.
D) Partial means that only a
portion of that section is included in
this version of the FAQ.
E) I will mention the locations of some quest related
NPCs along the
way for navigation purposes. These NPCs will have "!!" bubbles above
there heads, indicating that
they have something to say to you. If you
believe that this information gives away plot related information, then
read no further.
F) Remember that all random enemies and NPCs will walk around in a
fixed patern. This
pattern may include walking, staying still, or
sitting down.
G) All areas will be labeled without the Lenele in
the name. This
means that Lenele Outskirts is now simply outskirts.
H) Legal Information
This entire
document is (C) March 8, 2006 Kevin Hays. All trademarks
are property of their respective owners. No section of this guide
be used without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to
posting on your website, making links to my
guide, including parts of
my guide in your own, or making reference to any material contained
All the
sites mentioned below have permission to do the above. Please
email me at
Griffenz007@yahoo.com to enquire about gaining permission
to use this document.
Thanks to Michael Sarich for this Copyright -
III. A Tour of the Outskirts.
As soon as you enter Lenele you are in the outskirts. Straight
ahead is a large non-loading screen bridge.
Walk across the bridge and continue further forward to a place you
have to turn at and STOP.
1) Looking to the right
is a ramp that leads to the small pier where
Durgan the sailor will ask you to find his lucky charm.
2) Looking
in front and slightly to the left are booths. The booths
contain several shops and a side quest related NPC.
Off in the distance behind the booths is the entrance to the market
Looking beyond the booths there is a wall with 2 huge gates.
a) If you follow this wall to the left you will find several
side quest
related NPCs.
C) If you walk around obstacles in the left direction, you will come to
a place where
you can see several ramps that lead to a large pier.
1) This pier is called the sewer entrance pier.
On this pier behind
several crates and two thieves there is the outskirts entrance to the
2) To your right in the corner there is a wagon. This wagon has 3
people that
want to talk to you. One thief dude is a weapon shop. One
thief dude is Drego (side quest). The lady
in the colorful dress is
D) Now follow the wall toward the left direction.
1) You will pass a large
ramp that leads to the sewer entrance pier.
2) STOP when you see a small break in the wall and the bridge that you
out on in the distance. I call this the third pier.
3) You can now find your way back to the start.
Market Place Side A
A) The Market Place is so large that I will divide it in two pieces.
There is a large 'NOT LOADING
SCREEN' bridge in the center of the
market place. The other side of this bridge is where you complete the
you get in Mesade.
B) Market Place Side A to Market Place Side B
1) I assume you have just entered Market Place
from Outskirts.
2) Go forward until you get close to booths directly in front of you
and STOP.
3) Slightly
to the left is the Huge bridge that leads to the second
half of the market place.
4) Wandering very near you is
a side-quest related NPC named Agilo the
Merchant. (hint – Durgan the sailor)
C) A Tour of Market Place Side
1) I assume you have just entered Market Place from Outskirts.
2) On the other side of boxes to your left
are Old City bridges #1 and
3) Continue walking around and you will find that Huge bridge that
leads to the
4) Walking further around the
perimiter will lead to the bridge where
You talk to Torva the bard for his side quest. This loading screen
is crown district bridge #3.
5) Continue around the outside past a weapon shop. You will come to a
spot where
to your left is a bridge and in front of you is a large
a) The loading screen bridge is crown district bridge
b) Down the ramp and at the end of a very long path is the market place
A sewers entrance.
Market Place Side B
A) I assume that you entered market place side A from Outskirts and
have already crossed a Huge
non-loading screen bridge that divides the
market place in half.
1) To your right, next to a horse-shoe sign, is
a guard that initially
is an NPC side-quest.
2) Slightly to your left is a Blue sign Next to the Armor shop.
There are three paths to easily describe all NPC and loading screen
bridge locations. These paths start at the non-loading
screen bridge
and end at Old City bridge #3 and Crown district bridges #1 and #2. I
call them the Left path, center
path, and the right path.
C) The left path is simple. On the left past the Armor shop is loading
screen bridge
to The Old city. I call this bridge Old City bridge #3.
D) Following the Center path
1) Go past the Armor
shop and stop at a turn in the road. There is an
NPC (side quest) here called Bibrus the Bookseller.
2) Make
a 90 degree turn to your right, staying on the left hand side
of the street.
3) Underneath an overhang on the left
side of the street is an NPC
(side quest) called Mercer the tailor.
4) A short ways from Mercer is a building at
a bend in the road.
a) To slightly to your right and in the distance you can see
the Crown
District bridge #2.
b) An NPC (side quest) named Madog the Beggar will appear near the
light post next
to this building.
c) To the left is an aley.
5) Go down the aley to the left.
a) On the left side you
will find an NPC (side quest) named Krys the
Lantern Maker.
b) On the right side is a Weapon shop.
c) Behind
the Weapon shop is Crown district Bridge #1.
E) Following the right path
1) Turn 90 degrees to the right and
walk past the horse-shoe sign.
a) This is where you can encounter the NPC (side quest) Goodwife Dama.
2) Continue
further that way and you will find the NPC (side quest)
Jarl the smith, standing next to a building on the right.
Note that this is directly across the street from Mercer the tailor.
3) Continue further still, passing to the right
of Madog the Beggar's
building, until you reach Crown District bridge #2.
Crown District
A) Think of the Crown District as a seriously bent box.
B) In the upper left corner of this box
is a ramp. Down this ramp and
along a very long path is the Crown District entrance to the sewers.
If you find
the NPC (side quest) Torras the Jeweler you are close.
Just go to the nearby alleyway.
C) On the bottom of the box
are the Crown District Bridges #1-3.
I will describe their locations from left to right.
1) #1 is in lower left
corner of box.
2) #2 is across from the Temple Plaza steps.
3) #3 is near the building the NPC (side quest)
Pomporo is standing.
D) On the right hand corner of the box is Crown District Bridge #4.
E) At the top of this
box, directly across from Crown District bridge
#2, is the entrance to the Temple Plaza.
F) Finding crown district
1) I describe NPCs' location as if you just entered the Crown District
from one of the four bridges.
Starting from Crown District Bridge #1, Walk forward until the path
a) The right path leads to Crown District
Bridge #2. There is a sign
at the corner building of this path. There is a shop located in that
Stay to the left till you see another sign. In that building is
another shop. Across the street from that building
is the NPC (side
quest) Torras the Jeweler. Behind that building is the ramp that leads
to the sewers.
Starting from Crown District Bridge #2
a) Walk towards Temple Plaza steps and take a right. Stop near a cart
find the NPC (side quest) Humbus the Rat Catcher.
4) Starting from Crown District Bridge #3
a)In front and to
the left is a building surrounded by three NPCs (side
b) Go up the ramp that is in front and to the right.
Walk past the shop and take a 90 degree turn.
d) A priest in black is directly in fount of you. This NPC (side
is named Zefnat the Scholar.
5) Starting from Crown District Bridge #4
a) Walk directly ahead and into the park,
until you see the stage
directly ahead, and then stop. Behind the stage is the NPC (side
quest) Torvel.
Temple Plaza
A) There are two paths here and no useful NPC.
1) Path on the left leads to an extra loading screen
with a nice view
and then the Palace.
2) Path on the right leads to the Temple of Urath.
Temple of Urath
A) Under construction
IX. Old City
A) Under
X. Sewers
A) Under construction
A) Under construction